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by Darryl Pargeter

达里尔·帕格特(Darryl Pargeter)

如何充分利用JavaScript控制台 (How to get the most out of the JavaScript console)

One of the most basic debugging tools in JavaScript is console.log(). The console comes with several other useful methods that can add to a developer’s debugging toolkit.

JavaScript中最基本的调试工具之一是console.log() 。 该console附带了其他一些有用的方法,这些方法可以添加到开发人员的调试工具箱中。

You can use the console to perform some of the following tasks:


  • Output a timer to help with simple benchmarking

  • Output a table to display an array or object in an easy-to-read format

  • Apply color and other styling options to the output with CSS


控制台对象 (The Console Object)

The console object gives you access to the browser’s console. It lets you output strings, arrays, and objects that help debug your code. The console is part of the window object, and is supplied by the .

console对象使您可以访问浏览器的控制台。 它使您可以输出有助于调试代码的字符串,数组和对象。 consolewindow对象的一部分,由 。

We can get access to the console in one of two ways:


  1. window.console.log('This works')

    window.console.log('This works')

  2. console.log('So does this')

    console.log('So does this')

The second option is basically a reference to the former, so we’ll use the latter to save keystrokes.


One quick note about the BOM: it does not have a set standard, so each browser implements it in slightly different ways. I tested all of my examples in both Chrome and Firefox, but your output may appear differently depending on your browser.

关于BOM的简要说明:它没有设定的标准,因此每个浏览器以略有不同的方式实现它。 我在Chrome和Firefox中都测试了所有示例,但是输出结果可能会因浏览器而有所不同。

输出文字 (Outputting text)

The most common element of the console object is console.log. For most scenarios, you’ll use it to get the job done.

console对象最常见的元素是console.log 。 对于大多数情况,您将使用它来完成工作。

There are four different ways of outputting a message to the console:


  1. log


  2. info


  3. warn


  4. error


All four work the same way. All you do is pass one or more arguments to the selected method. It then displays a different icon to indicate its logging level. In the examples below, you can see the difference between an info-level log and a warning/error-level log.

所有四个工作方式相同。 您要做的就是将一个或多个参数传递给所选方法。 然后,它显示一个不同的图标来指示其日志记录级别。 在下面的示例中,您可以看到信息级日志和警告/错误级日志之间的区别。

You may have noticed the error log message - it’s more showy than the others. It displays both a red background and a , where info and warn do not. Though warn does have a yellow background in Chrome.

您可能已经注意到了错误日志消息-它比其他消息更加精美。 它显示红色背景和 ,而infowarn不显示。 虽然warn确实在Chrome中显示了黄色背景。

These visual differences help when you need to identify any errors or warnings in the console at a quick glance. You would want to make sure that they are removed for production-ready apps, unless they are there to warn other developers that they are doing something wrong with your code.

这些视觉上的差异有助于您快速识别控制台中的任何错误或警告。 您可能要确保将它们删除以用于生产就绪型应用程序,除非它们在那里警告其他开发人员它们对您的代码有误。

字符串替换 (String Substitutions)

This technique uses a placeholder in a string that is replaced by the other argument(s) you pass to the method. For example:

此技术在字符串中使用占位符,该占位符由传递给该方法的其他参数替换。 例如:

Input: console.log('string %s', 'substitutions')

输入console.log('string %s', 'substitutions')

Output: string substitutions

输出string substitutions

The %s is the placeholder for the second argument 'substitutions' that comes after the comma. Any strings, integers, or arrays will be converted to a string and will replace the %s. If you pass an object, it will display [object Object].

%s是逗号后第二个参数'substitutions'的占位符。 任何字符串,整数或数组都将转换为字符串,并替换%s 。 如果传递对象,它将显示[object Object]

If you want to pass an object, you need to use %o or %O instead of %s.


console.log('this is an object %o', { obj: { obj2: 'hello' }})

console.log('this is an object %o', { obj: { obj2: 'hello' }})

号码 (Numbers)

String substitution can be used with integers and floating-point values by using:


  • %i or %d for integers,


  • %f for floating-points.


Input: console.log('int: %d, floating-point: %f', 1, 1.5)

输入console.log('int: %d, floating-point: %f', 1, 1.5)

Output: int: 1, floating-point: 1.500000

输出int: 1, floating-point: 1.500000

Floats can be formatted to display only one digit after the decimal point by using %.1f. You can do %.nf to display n amount of digits after the decimal.

使用%.1f可以将浮点数格式化为仅显示小数点后一位。 您可以执行%.nf以在小数点后显示n位数字。

If we formatted the above example to display one digit after the decimal point for the floating-point number, it would look like this:


Input: console.log('int: %d, floating-point: %.1f', 1, 1.5)

输入console.log('int: %d, floating-point: %.1f', 1, 1.5)

Output:int: 1, floating-point: 1.5

输出int: 1, floating-point: 1.5

格式化说明符 (Formatting specifiers)

  1. %s | replaces an element with a string

    %s | 用字符串替换元素

  2. %(d|i)| replaces an element with an integer

    %(d|i) | 用整数替换元素

  3. %f | replaces an element with a float

    %f | 用浮点数替换元素

  4. %(o|O) | element is displayed as an object.

    %(o|O) | 元素显示为一个对象。

  5. %c | Applies the provided CSS

    %c | 应用提供CSS

字符串模板 (String Templates)

With the advent of ES6, template literals are an alternative to substitutions or concatenation. They use backticks (``) instead of quotation marks, and variables go inside ${}:

随着ES6的到来,模板文字可以替代或串联。 他们使用反引号(``)而不是引号,并且变量放在${}

const a = 'substitutions';
console.log(`bear: ${a}`);
// bear: substitutions

Objects display as [object Object] in template literals, so you’ll need to use substitution with %o or %O to see the details, or log it separately by itself.

对象在模板文字中显示为[object Object] ,因此您需要使用%o%O替换来查看详细信息,或单独记录它们。

Using substitutions or templates creates code that’s easier to read compared to using string concatenation: console.log('hello' + str + '!');.

与使用字符串连接相比,使用替换或模板创建的代码更易于阅读: console.log('hello' + str + '!');

漂亮的色彩插曲! (Pretty color interlude!)

Now it is time for something a bit more fun and colorful!


It is time to make our console pop with different colors with string substitutions.


I will be using a mocked Ajax example that give us both a success (in green) and failure (in red) to display. Here’s the output and code:

我将使用一个模拟的Ajax示例,该示例使我们能够成功显示(绿色)和失败(红色)。 这是输出和代码:

const success = [ 'background: green', 'color: white', 'display: block', 'text-align: center'].join(';');
const failure = [ 'background: red', 'color: white', 'display: block', 'text-align: center'].join(';');
console.info('%c /dancing/bears was Successful!', success);console.log({data: { name: 'Bob', age: 'unknown'}}); // "mocked" data response
console.error('%c /dancing/bats failed!', failure);console.log('/dancing/bats Does not exist');

You apply CSS rules in the string substitution with the %c placeholder.


console.error('%c /dancing/bats failed!', failure);

Then place your CSS elements as a string argument and you can have CSS-styled logs. You can add more than one %c into the string as well.

然后将CSS元素作为字符串参数放置,您将拥有CSS样式的日志。 您也可以在字符串中添加多个%c

console.log('%cred %cblue %cwhite','color:red;','color:blue;', 'color: white;')

This will output the words ‘red’, ‘blue’ and ‘white’ in their respected colors.


There are quite a few CSS properties supported by the console. I would recommend experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t. Again, your results may vary depending on your browser.

控制台支持很多CSS属性。 我建议您尝试一下,看看有什么用,什么没用。 同样,您的结果可能会因浏览器而异。

其他可用方法 (Other available methods)

Here are a few other available console methods. Note that some items below have not had their APIs standardized, so there may be incompatibilities between the browsers. The examples were created with Firefox 51.0.1.

这是其他一些可用的console方法。 请注意,以下某些项目的API尚未标准化,因此浏览器之间可能存在不兼容性。 这些示例是使用Firefox 51.0.1创建的。

断言() (Assert())

Assert takes two arguments — if the first argument evaluates to a falsy value, then it displays the second argument.


let isTrue = false;
console.assert(isTrue, 'This will display');
isTrue = true;
console.assert(isTrue, 'This will not');

If the assertion is false, it outputs to the console. It’s displayed as an error-level log as mentioned above, giving you both a red error message and a stack trace.

如果断言为假,则输出到控制台。 如上所述,它显示为错误级别的日志,同时为您提供红色错误消息和堆栈跟踪。

Dir() (Dir())

The dir method displays an interactive list of the object passed to it.



Ultimately, dir only saves one or two clicks. If you need to inspect an object from an API response, then displaying it in this structured way can save you some time.

最终, dir仅保存一两次单击。 如果您需要从API响应中检查对象,则以这种结构化的方式显示该对象可以节省一些时间。

表() (Table())

The table method displays an array or object as a table.


console.table(['Javascript', 'PHP', 'Perl', 'C++']);

The array’s indices or object property names come under the left-hand index column. Then the values are displayed in the right-hand column.

数组的索引或对象属性名称位于左侧索引列下方。 然后,这些值将显示在右侧列中。

const superhero = {     firstname: 'Peter',    lastname: 'Parker',}console.table(superhero);

Note for Chrome users: This was brought to my attention by a co-worker but the above examples of the table method don’t seem to work in Chrome. You can work around this issue by placing any items into an array of arrays or an array of objects:

Chrome用户注意事项:一位同事引起了我的注意,但是以上table方法示例在Chrome中似乎不起作用。 您可以通过将任何项目放入数组数组或对象数组来解决此问题:

console.table([['Javascript', 'PHP', 'Perl', 'C++']]);
const superhero = {     firstname: 'Peter',    lastname: 'Parker',}console.table([superhero]);

组() (Group())

console.group() is made up of at least a minimum of three console calls, and is probably the method that requires the most typing to use. But it’s also one of the most useful (especially for developers using ).

console.group()至少由至少三个console调用组成,并且可能是需要使用最多键入内容的方法。 但这也是最有用的工具之一(特别是对于使用开发人员)。

A somewhat basic call looks like this:


console.group();console.log('I will output');console.group();console.log('more indents')console.groupEnd();console.log('ohh look a bear');console.groupEnd();

This will output multiple levels and will display differently depending on your browser.


Firefox shows an indented list:


Chrome shows them in the style of an object:


Each call to console.group() will start a new group, or create a new level if it’s called inside a group. Each time you call console.groupEnd() it will end the current group or level and move back up one level.

每次对console.group()调用都会启动一个新的组,或者如果在组内调用了新的关卡。 每次调用console.groupEnd() ,它将结束当前组或级别并返回上一级。

I find the Chrome output style is easier to read since it looks more like a collapsible object.


You can pass group a header argument that will be displayed over console.group:



You can display the group as collapsed from the outset if you call console.groupCollapsed(). Based on my experience, this seems to work only in Chrome.

如果调用console.groupCollapsed()则可以从一开始就将组显示为折叠状态。 根据我的经验,这似乎仅在Chrome中有效。

时间() (Time())

The time method, like the group method above, comes in two parts.

与上面的group方法一样, time方法分为两个部分。

A method to start the timer and a method to end it.


Once the timer has finished, it will output the total runtime in milliseconds.


To start the timer, you use console.time('id for timer') and to end the timer you use console.timeEnd('id for timer') . You can have up to 10,000 timers running simultaneously.

要启动计时器,请使用console.time('id for timer') ,要结束计时器,请使用console.timeEnd('id for timer') 。 您最多可以同时运行10,000个计时器。

The output will look a bit like this timer: 0.57ms

输出看起来像这个timer: 0.57ms

It is very useful when you need to do a quick bit of benchmarking.


结论 (Conclusion)

There we have it, a bit of a deeper look into the console object and some of the other methods that come with it. These methods are great tools to have available when you need to debug code.

我们有了它,对控制台对象及其附带的其他一些方法有了更深入的了解。 这些方法是需要调试代码时可用的出色工具。

There are a couple of methods that I have not talked about as their API is still changing. You can read more about them or the console in general on the and its .

由于它们的API仍在更改,因此我没有谈论过几种方法。 您可以在及其实时上了解有关它们或控制台的更多信息。




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